Thursday, September 6, 2018

Children's Rehabilitation Hospital

Welcome to the Pet City Children's Rehabilitation Hospital

Ophia volunteers here as a nurse while Orpheus works here as a doctor.

The center caters for children who need special care and are recovering from their diseases.

The two are always busy but they do take short breaks to hydrate and watch a bit of news.

Then it's back to work again. Orpheus seems a bit tired though. He's been working for 16 hours because he had to cover someone else's shift.

 Ophia gestures him to take a break on the sofa.
She says she'll take care of things while he takes a short nap.

Ophia in her Pink Nurse Clothing and Orpheus in his Doctor Clothing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

O&O Hospital

Welcome to O&O Hospital

It is where Orpheus and Ophia go to work everyday.

The hot ace surgeon, Dr. Orpheus saves lives everyday.

While resident doctor Ophia caters to the patients and even cleans up when she has time.

"Ophia, you're such a hard worker. It's soon time to go home though." 

"Oh finally, the 8-hour operation has ended." Orpheus sighs as he starts to take off his mask.

"Now, you're off duty and so am I!" Ophia announces gleefully.

Orpheus and Ophia in their green and purple scrubs.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Maternity Clinic

Welcome to Pet City Maternity Clinic

Doctor Orpheus and Nurse Ophia start their day greeting each other.

Then they go around and chat with the staff and patients.

They both enjoy working here and take pride in it.

Doctor Orpheus gets really passionate about his job and even makes poems about it.

When they have free time, Ophia likes to check her weight.

"Oh no, I gained a pound again!" Ophia sobs.
"Could you please stop doing this everyday?" Orpheus sighs.

"It's a habit that's hard to break. Just let me be." Ophia retorts.
She recovers really fast, to Orpheus' relief.

Orpheus and Ophia in matching Purple Hospital Uniforms