Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Noir Detective Agency: The Usual Suspects

Home sweet home.
This is O&O's Detective Agency, which also doubles as their home.

It has been a busy week for detectives Ophia and Orpheus
They can't wait to relax and enjoy the weekend.

However, the relaxing Friday night is put on hold as a client was actually waiting for them.
In the living room was the "presumed" widow of Columbus who has been MIA for quite some time and has been declared "dead". She wanted O&O to investigate her husband's disappearance.

In order to find the culprit, Ophia and Orpheus organized a get-together and invited all the people whom they suspected of knowing about Columbus' whereabouts.

First they spoke to was Panacea.
"The last time I saw him was at the bus station. It was raining back then just like today."

Next was Lavender.
"This is a secret, but the last time I saw Columbo was the day before he disappeared. 
I was helping him pick a gift for his wife at the jewelry shop."

Then Ophia talked with Snoogles. 
She had her kitty with her and claims that she sprained her ankles from wearing high heels.
"I have never seen Columbo for a long time."

Ophia and Orpheus guided Snoogles to the living room and hid themselves near the entrance.
They have offered her a tonic with some truth serum in it. 
Not long after, Snoogles starts talking gibberish about secret organizations and such.

Realizing her cover is blown, Snoogles makes a run for it and escapes.

Until today, we still do not know of Columbus' whereabouts.