Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gothic Love

Finally got around making a gothic themed room.
I think Ophia and Orpheus are loving it.
It's quite romantic in the dark sort of way. 

Seems like love is blossoming between these two!
A black rose for you my dear Ophia... 

Ah! Just look at her blush!
I guess that's the only colorful thing in the room!

After Orpheus left, an angel named Prinsseje came to visit...
eer... more like sleep on her couch!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Black and White Noir

Inspired by Trixie's room,
I decided to make a Noir themed room for Ophia and Orpheus.
So far... I am loving it! It reminds me of PS Noir theme!

Detective Orpheus is ready to solve the mystery.
The witty Miss Ophia is eager to lend him a helping hand.

Getting cozy over a game of chess.
Ophia is using her feminine wiles to win the game... is it working?

Orpheus got a call from the inspector.
He's got a new case! 
He exited in haste without even giving Ophia a goodbye hug!

Disappointed, Ophia went home to relax!'
It's your loss, Orpheus! *blee*

Ophia and Orpheus in their Noir Attire

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Visiting Trixie in Noir

It's been a while since I posted... 
I have made several rooms that I will post later but for now, 
I will just post about Ophia's quick visit at Trixie's house.

Uh-oh... what's up with the black and white?
Trixie's room has the "feel" of a Detective agency.
I guess Trixie works here and Ophia is her CI (Confidential Informant)
During their spare time, they take out their light sabers to hone their fighting skills.

In contrast to the well mannered and perfectly-coiffed-haired Tirixie, 
Ophia is just all over the place showing how little she cares for what people think.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flavor of Japan Week!!!

Ophia and Orpheus having a blast with all the new costumes from the "Flavor of Japan Release"
I feel bad using my gc on this week's release as I should be using them on my Magical Academy a.k.a HP stuff stock but hells' bells... I LOVE this release! I have suggested it many times from the scenery to the items to the costumes... especially the costumes... the ninja, the miko and the wonderful kimonos and yukatas! I would be a hypocrite to boycott this week!

Look at Orpheus being naughty at the Okiya! He's getting ready to whack the pre-occupied origami-making Ophia <3

Using "paint.exe", I managed to triple the number of my white kitties, black kitties and yorkies ^_^
How I wish I could get more but sadly... no budget for more
<3 Chocolat, Noir and Nougat <3

Doing morning neck exercises with Nougat and Chocolat :)

Ophia is loving the new interactive origami <3

Ophia went to visit her fellow miko, Whobelle... so adorable