One of the newly built settlements in ancient Egypt.
Here lives the pharaoh's daughter Ophia who is engaged to the great warrior, prince Orpheus.
Orpheus visits Ophia after coming back from the great hunt.
Prince Orpheus really knows how to ruffle Princess Ophia's feathers.
"Would you like some fresh bird meat for breakfast?" He asks jokingly.
Ophia is not pleased. "Not funny, Orpheus!"
"Let's go visit mother." Ophia gestures towards the queen.
"Greetings your highness." Orpheus pays his respects in his most elegant way.
It seems that his mother-in-law-to-be actually likes him but she suppresses her laughter every time he greets her, which makes her look displeased to him.

"Sigh, was that good enough?" Orpheus asks Ophia. He was feeling quite dejected.
"You did quite well so do relax a bit!" She replies with a chuckle.
Orpheus and Ophia in Egyptian Clothing
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