Uh-oh... I smell trouble in the air.
The Principal is out to get everyone!
"Whiskywoo! I see you," the principal's voice crackled from the intercoms.
Whiskywoo puts out a big smile and launches five more paper planes into the air
as her nerdy stalker admires her from behind.
Ophia is skipping class again, skeptical of the value of education.
"Do I really need this?" she ponders out loud.
"Ophia! Get back to class!" roared the intercoms.
She looks up and then asks."Why?"
Ruby, locked in her own little world, is painting.
She is a true artist who is lost in her work.
If only she didn't have history class right now...
"Ruby, get out of the Art Room!" the principal is on a roll.
Pichicha smiles.
"I knew this was going to happen." She blurted out.
Pichicha is a psychic and likes to go around with her crystal ball.
If only she knew that berets were not a part of the uniform code.
"Pichicha, take that hat off."
Pichicha shook her crystal ball. "Hmmm... Why did I not see that coming?"
Trixie is the most popular girl in school and a lot of guys fawn over her.
There is nothing wrong with that right? Or so we thought...
"Trixie, no flirting in the hallway!" roared the intercoms once again!
Trixie sighs.
Snoogles and Katie are student representatives.
Truly, they are the ones least expected to be in trouble.
"Snoogle... Katie... where are the committee reports that I requested yesterday?
Please report to my office immediately and explain yourselves."
Katie and Snoogles grudgingly complied.
Suddenly smoke started to come out of the Science Lab.
It set off the fire alarms. Uh-oh... Panacaea is in BIG trouble!
"It's just an experiment!" Panacaea tried to calm everyone down.
"Panacaea, you are prohibited from using the laboratory for a week."
The principal is truly in a foul mood today and no one is spared.
Except maybe for Maddie?
I mean what could little Maddie do? She is all shy and cute in the corner.
"Maddie, your bear will be confisca----"
"zzzzt...zzzt..." The intercoms went down.
Maddie whacked them all with her teddy bear.
"No one takes my teddy and lives to tell the tale!" said Maddie.
What a day...